(Jukebox Entry Way - it's over 12 ft high and didn't fall down! WHOOHOO! The wind blew the silver streamers that hung in the entryway unmercifully so you don't see them in this shot much.)
As you know from a previous post, in between Mod Mom Furniture stuff, Scott and I have been working on decorations for my kids' elementary school fundraiser: Stevenson Rocks Around The Arts 50s-style. Basically, like the rest of California public schools, teacher jobs are being cut and programs like art and music are no longer funded by the schools but rather the parent booster club. In a nutshell, we had to raise A LOT of money at this outdoor, carnival-like fundraiser.
Check out the pieces we created for the entry way walkway. First impressions are everything, right? Some of these pieces can be used year after year for Stevenson events. And some were built from what's in my garage, i.e., one of my workbenches, old IKEA table legs, etc. Many thanks to Stock Building Supply for donating much of the wood used and many, many thanks to my husband who worked tirelessly painting realistic detail on almost everything you see. The amount of artistic talent he has in his little finger is unbelievable.
(This soda pop stand was made from one of my workbenches. I also used old table legs, luan and 2x4s for the backdrop frame to complete the build. I painted the base coats on the bottom and top and then asked Scott to have a go at it and paint the background and he came up with this amazing scene. I built the faux bar stools from 3/4 inch wood for the seat, veneer for the edge of the seat, old cardboard packaging tubes that originally housed my veneer sheets, and another 3/4 piece of wood for the base. The drapes you see hanging are from Grace's room.)
(In an effort to add one more large element before the hallway out to the festival, we built a "drive-in" complete with cars with working lights. Scott did all the painting on the cars as well as the drive-in sign. I built them and did the oh-so-fun "how the heck do we make all this stable" work.)
There is absolutely no way I could write this post without including a video of my very talented husband and BFF who agreed to perform two sets of 1950s lounge music on the main stage. If I only had one tenth of the singing talent that my dear friend Oonagh Delaney has, I'd be a happy, happy woman!!! Thanks again to both of you for all the time and love you put into your performances.
(This is from a portion of their second set. I was the cameragirl and the cd-button-pusher so you'll see the camera move a bit. :)