More Evidence of the ROI on Green Buildings

Posted by Expert Gadget Reviewer on Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Great posting on Clean Techies about the financial reasons for commercial property owners to invest in greening their buildings.

2100 Franklin Steet, Oakland Ca. LEED CS Gold (v1)

The posting: Does Green Building Make Cents quotes Nils Kok, professor at Maastricht University in the Netherlands and a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley, who along with two other authors, wrote an analysis of the financial performance of green office buildings in the United States. Unlike other studies which are often based on engineering estimates, this report was based on actual market transactions.

Some of the highlights from the study found that green buildings:

  • Have rental rates that are two percent higher per square foot than otherwise identical buildings
  • Have a higher occupancy rate
  • Likely have a positive effect on corporate image tenants
  • Have longer economic lives, less depreciation and lower overall risk
The research paper can be downloaded (HERE).